Entlebuch Cattle Dog
Fiona z Zamkowego Grodu
Birth: 13.06.2017
Mother: CELINA Porażynianka
Father: UINGS OF LOVE Grand Winnerland
CACIB Kielce 24-11-2017 (Poland)
minor puppy class – very promising opinion, I’st place, The Best Minor Puppy in Breed
judge – Wenche Eikeseth (PL)
CACIB Kielce 25-11-2017 (Poland)
minor puppy class – very promising opinion, I’st place, The Best Minor Puppy in Breed
judge – Anna Rusinowska (PL)
VII Winter National Dog Show Będzin 28-11-2018 (Poland)
puppy class – very promising opinion, I’st place, The Best Puppy in Breed
judge – Hassi Assnemacher – Feyel (DE)
XXII International Dog Show Katowice 11-02-2018
puppy class – very promising opinion, The Best Puppy in Breed
judge – Iwona Magdziarska (PL)

Breeding "Z Zamkowego Grodu"
Beata Skibińska

+48 515 186 836